A.M.D. (Amusement Machine Distributors)
Australian Distributors for Stern Pinball, Incredible Technologies, LAI Games, ICE, Sam Billiards, Benchmark, UNIS and Betsons. Full range of new and used machines and spare par

Allstar Brand
Allstar are the #1 independent distributor of POP VINYL toys in Australia, we offer individual or assorted mix. Ideal for Crane or any machine. Check the website for details, specialise in FEC

Amusinc Pty Ltd
Importers of:- Quality Crane/Skill Testers: Prize Redemption Machines: Spare Parts: Licenced Plush Toys New containers arriving all the time Representing Manufacturers from China, Korea,

Andos Amusements (Aust) P/L
Sales- Various types of reconditioned and Second hand coin operated kiddie rides Ph Larry: 0416 177 077. Fax 07 4779 8672 E-mail:

Billiard Imports
Suppliers since 1981 of English cloth, Essex Straight Six Coin Mechs, K.P. balls, Hustler, Cuetec & Club cues, Italian slate, light fringes & accessories. Ph. 07 3343 5022 Fax 07 33