A most notable acheivement
AMOA of QLD Inc. – News Release
On the 17 September 1996, the AMOAQ received correspondence from the Queensland Office of Gaming Regulation’s executive Director, Mr David Ford, seeking the views of your Association with regard to repealing the “Public Amusements” section of the “Art Unions & Public Amusements Act”.
Our submission to Mr Ford again highlighted our position as it has been presented over many years (approx. 35 years to my knowledge) that, as an Association we are totally opposed to the high cost of Licence Fees and the draconian Regulation. I might add that Queensland was the only state in Australia to administer such an Act.
The Bill to repeal the Act was passed on Wednesday, 7 May 1997 by both sides of the Parliament.
So, as from 1 July 1997 Permits will no longer be required. Our industry in the past has been covered under Police and Local Councils Acts and these will still apply. (Only the “Public Amusement” Section of the “Art Union & Public Amusements Act” has been repealed).
This result reflects what strong Association Membership can achieve. To the non members, (which I trust are few), your excuse “What’s in it for me” has just run out. I say plenty, for operators of 100 machines, you now save $6,000 per year HARD CASH. You can work out for yourself our individual benefit.
To all members who have stuck by your association over the years, I say congratulations! Your support is essential to enable your Committee to achieve its objectives. While finances are paramount, it is numbers that count.
Queensland can proudly boast its 125 membership is the largest in Australia, and has only been achieved, over the years, by hard work by all past and present committees.
I am loathe to name names (as you miss important people), but prominent industry stalwarts who come to mind, such as Messrs. Mark Hancock, George Campbell and Hale Anderson, continually approached Governments, Ministers, and the Bureaucracy thereby laying the Foundation Stone on which today’s results were achieved. To these Gentlemen (who are all Life Members of our Association) as well as past Executives, Past Presidents and Members, and Government and Heads of Departments, we extend our warmest congratulations for a job well done!
The Deputy Premier and Treasurer, the Hon. Joan Sheldon, is to be congratulated, for her insight in approving the recommendation to repeal this Law. I will be writing to the Treasurer in due course to thank her on your behalf.
Also correspondence to the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon. Peter Beattie was most productive. Mr Beattie, I understand, briefed the Shadow Treasurer, the Hon David Hamill MLA who was responsible for the opposition’s response in Parliament. Members may recall Mr Beattie generously gave of his time to attend and officially open our Australasian Amusement Expo in November 1996.
It is pleasing to see elected representatives put their political differences aside to achieve a relief long overdue to our industry.
Classification of Video Games:
Mr David Cannavan, Department of Justice, is responsible for the administration of Computer Images Classification, has been extremely helpful to your association, and me personally, with all enquires and advice, and is always willing to assist wherever he can.
Should you have any enquiries, please check with your association first – we may be able to save his valuable time. If we have difficulty answering your query, we will make enquires on your behalf. However, if you feel the need to speak to Mr Cannavan directly, I am sure he will oblige.
Ken Corley – Past President AMOA Qld