National Amusement Machine Operators Association Limited
1. Members and their business entity shall act in accord with this Code of Conduct, and in a manner that is not prejudicial to the professional status of the industry or to NAMOA’s reputation.
2. Members shall conduct their business operations in a diligent, ethical, conscientious and fair manner with proper regard to relationships with their staff, their suppliers, their clients, their location owners, the users of their equipment, and other Members.
3. Members shall comply with applicable regulations and legislation of Local, State and Federal Governments relating to the purchase, registration, operation, and sale of their equipment, including, but not limited to, laws concerning gaming, censorship, copyright, duties, taxes, trade practices, health, and safety.
4. Members shall ensure their located equipment is clean, presentable, operates correctly, and displays their Membership of NAMOA, their business name, and their telephone contact.
5. Members shall ensure their located equipment displays OFLC’s age classification labels on video games, and NAMOA’s age classification labels on prize redemption games.
6. Members operating Family Entertainment Centres shall ensure that truancy and delinquency are firmly discouraged, and maintain an appropriate rapport with local schools and police.
7. Members should insure their business operations with a policy cover of at least $10,000,000 for Public and Product Liability through NAMOA’s recommended Insurance Company.
8. Members should secure their located equipment through a Location Agreement.
9. Members should not solicit business from a client of another Member with an unethical offer of a gift, a favour, a gratuity, or an increase in commission; unless a commitment can be given that any inducement or benefit is real and competitive.
Members who do not adhere to this Code of Conduct may face action under NAMOA’s Articles of Association.